Thursday, October 1, 2009

Grazing in the grass

Baa Baa know the rest. Put Green Dirt Farm on your bucket list. Periodically, this lovely farm tucked into the hillside outside of Weston hosts a farm-to-table dinner.

Lamb was on the menu on our September evening. Picture this: sheep grazing on the slope, deep indigo sky, 30 people eating in an open-air barn. The food, crafted over 3-hours, was lovely. Add in wine pairings plus a gorgeous setting and you have what was a memory maker. If you get the chance go......................!


  1. Hi, Gloria! I didn't realize you had a blog, I'm glad to find it. I always enjoy hearing you on the food critics (and hey, I think you should have a gig with the movie critics too!)

    I'll add your link to my blog. Also to my Google reader, so I can keep up with.


  2. Hi, Gloria. My wife and I were at that dinner, too. I agree, it was a wonderful meal. FYI the chef's name is Pat Ryan - I think he's working on opening his own place soon so I hope we hear about him again.
